All PSA graded items and other graded listed by this account come with a case and are from a single owner. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
To prevent fraud and issues, we do not accept cancellations or returns after purchase.
For graded items, everything listed by this account will be shipped anonymously for safety.
Even PSA 10 or 9 rated items may have small scratches, dents, holo wear, or white spots. To prevent issues, please make sure to check the condition in the images provided.
If you are looking for perfect items or are very particular, please refrain from purchasing.
All PSA graded items and other graded listed by this account come with a case and are from a single owner. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
To prevent fraud and issues, we do not accept cancellations or returns after purchase.
For graded items, everything listed by this account will be shipped anonymously for safety.
Even PSA 10 or 9 rated items may have small scratches, dents, holo wear, or white spots. To prevent issues, please make sure to check the condition in the images provided.
If you are looking for perfect items or are very particular, please refrain from purchasing.
PSA pedestal is not included.